V Dolnej Strehovej sme odovzdali zrekonštruovanú cestu
Slávnostným prestrihnutím pásky za účasti predstaviteľov samosprávneho kraja i miestnej samosprávy sme ukončili rekonštrukciu 20 kilometrového úseku cesty druhej triedy v okrese Veľký Krtíš. Našu spoločnosť na stretnutí zastupovali riaditeľ závodu Inžinierske staviteľstvo Ivan Dimitrov, oblastný manažér Robert Humenik a vedúci strediska Zvolen Peter Ošvát.
Už jedenásť rokov organizujú zamestnanci spoločnosti Skanska Central Europe dobrovoľnícku pomoc tam, kde je to potrebné. Stovky zamestnancov zo Slovenska, Českej republiky a Poľska sa zúčastnili 11. ročníka podujatia "Podaj ruku" a pomohli 22 neziskovým organizáciám.
Líder udržateľného prístupu v oblasti „zeleného stavania“, zdravia, bezpečnosti a etiky
Vidíme budúcnosť so zdravšími a odolnejšími miestami pre všetkých - kde je udržateľnosť jednoducho súčasťou života. Budúcnosť, ktorú tvoríme všetci spoločne.
Do půlnoci objednáš, ráno v AlzaBoxu na Port7 máš. 😍 Tenhle claim určitě znáte, ale už jste službu i vyzkoušeli? Jeden AlzaBox pro zásilky nejen z Alzy, ale i ze všech e-shopů přepravovaných DPD, najdete přímo ve veřejném prostoru u Port7, kde si svůj balíček snadno vyzvednete 24/7. 📦
Už jste náš AlzaBox využili? Hlasujte pomocí emojis a dejte nám vědět v komentářích!
Pití kvalitní kávy má podle studií řadu benefitů. ☕ Dokáže zlepšit soustředění, podpořit metabolismus a díky antioxidantům také chránit buňky před stárnutím. Mírná konzumace navíc pozitivně ovlivňuje náladu a může snížit riziko některých onemocnění. No a nejlepší je přijít si všechny tyto výhody vychutnat do stylové kavárny The Miners na Port7, s úžasným výhledem jako bonus. 😍
Každý den si před, během nebo po práci zacvičit je ten nejlepší způsob, jak hladinu energie udržovat vysoko. 🙏 Stačí i krátký trénink, aby váš den byl produktivnější a zároveň radostnější. Dali jste si i vy letos předsevzetí, že se budete víc hýbat? 💪 Přijďte do OneGym na Port7, kde najdete moderní prostředí, přístup 24/7 a spoustu vychytávek, které vás budou bavit celý rok, nejen v lednu, kdy je vůle obvykle největší.
Agreement is not a weakness; unilateral victory is not a victory.
In the #MeetSkanskaPeople series, meet @Klára Hořejšová: lawyer and mediator. Klára has been supporting our team for 11 years, currently focusing on ethics and compliance. Her passion is mediation, a hobby that fits perfectly with our construction industry, where cooperation and communication are key.
Klára is involved in mediation not only professionally but also outside of work. She helps youth, educates children in conflict resolution, and guides adults through conflict. This personal contribution and passion for mediation help improve human relations on many levels.
In Klára's work as a lawyer and member of the Ethics Committee, her mediation skills are invaluable. They enable her to create a space for dialogue and mutual understanding, which is crucial in resolving disputes and building a good atmosphere of cooperation. Mediation is the art of resolving conflicts through dialogue rather than confrontation. Thanks to this process, conflicts are resolved in a way that satisfies all parties involved. Her mission is to improve human relations – both on the construction site and beyond.
We admire Klára's dedication and are glad she is part of the Skanska Team! 🏗️🤝
Agreement is not a weakness; unilateral victory is not a victory.
In the #MeetSkanskaPeople series, meet @Klára Hořejšová: lawyer and mediator. Klára has been supporting our team for 11 years, currently focusing on ethics and compliance. Her passion is mediation, a hobby that fits perfectly with our construction industry, where cooperation and communication are key.
Klára is involved in mediation not only professionally but also outside of work. She helps youth, educates children in conflict resolution, and guides adults through conflict. This personal contribution and passion for mediation help improve human relations on many levels.
In Klára's work as a lawyer and member of the Ethics Committee, her mediation skills are invaluable. They enable her to create a space for dialogue and mutual understanding, which is crucial in resolving disputes and building a good atmosphere of cooperation. Mediation is the art of resolving conflicts through dialogue rather than confrontation. Thanks to this process, conflicts are resolved in a way that satisfies all parties involved. Her mission is to improve human relations – both on the construction site and beyond.
We admire Klára's dedication and are glad she is part of the Skanska Team! 🏗️🤝
Agreement is not a weakness; unilateral victory is not a victory.
In the #MeetSkanskaPeople series, meet @Klára Hořejšová: lawyer and mediator. Klára has been supporting our team for 11 years, currently focusing on ethics and compliance. Her passion is mediation, a hobby that fits perfectly with our construction industry, where cooperation and communication are key.
Klára is involved in mediation not only professionally but also outside of work. She helps youth, educates children in conflict resolution, and guides adults through conflict. This personal contribution and passion for mediation help improve human relations on many levels.
In Klára's work as a lawyer and member of the Ethics Committee, her mediation skills are invaluable. They enable her to create a space for dialogue and mutual understanding, which is crucial in resolving disputes and building a good atmosphere of cooperation. Mediation is the art of resolving conflicts through dialogue rather than confrontation. Thanks to this process, conflicts are resolved in a way that satisfies all parties involved. Her mission is to improve human relations – both on the construction site and beyond.
We admire Klára's dedication and are glad she is part of the Skanska Team! 🏗️🤝